
Friday, December 20, 2013


Dear Diary,

Today is my 10,765th day on this planet. This place has gotten the best of me.  For some unknown reason I have become complacent and addicted to cookies, chocolate, cheesecake, fast food, and soda.   It appears that most people on this planet are currently infatuated with the linguistics of a small red four-legged creature.  In the coming days I will bravely search the wilderness in pursuit of one of these creatures and begin my interrogation immediately in hopes of finding a cure.   Wish me luck.

Goal: 200 lbs.
Current Weight: 310 lbs.
Difference: 110 lbs.
Loss to date: 0 lbs

Workout today: 30 minutes on the elliptical at Planet Fitness and stretching

P.S. Per protocol, I cannot confirm nor deny my wife's allegations of sabotage.  I shall remain steadfast in my mission.  GLORY SHALL BE MINE!

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